What Will Your Recovery Look Like After a Dental Bone Graft?
April 11, 2024

Bone grafting is often necessary before dental implant placement; it ensures that there’s enough bone in the jaw to bond with and support the implant posts. If you’re planning on having bone grafting performed, then you should make sure that you’re fully prepared for what comes afterward – namely, the recovery process. Below is some helpful information regarding what will happen after a bone graft as well as what you can do to take care of your mouth while it heals.
(more…)The Truth About Missing Teeth and Bone Loss
March 7, 2024

Tooth loss can leave you with all sorts of problems. Your ability to enjoy all of your favorite foods is diminished, you’ll struggle to pronounce certain words and sounds, and ultimately your self-esteem will suffer. But did you know that when teeth are lost, your body also immediately begins removing the bone in your jaw? This means that when you replace your missing teeth, you should opt for a solution that also addresses this bone loss. Continue reading to learn more!
(more…)How Can Medicine Cause Tooth Decay?
February 13, 2024

While you probably know that brushing and flossing are necessary parts of a proper oral hygiene routine, you may not be aware that certain medications can increase your risk of tooth decay. However, just because your medicine makes it more likely for you to develop this problem doesn’t mean that it necessarily has to happen. Here are a few medications that can cause tooth decay and how you can keep your smile looking great while taking them.
(more…)The Perfect Tools to Prepare for Children’s Dental Health Month
January 5, 2024

In case you aren’t aware, February is Children’s Dental Health Month! This is a time when dental professionals make an effort to reach out to younger patients and their parents in order to ensure that they’re in optimal oral health.
As any parent will tell you, it can sometimes be a little bit difficult to help children get invested in their oral health. Since every child loves gifts, you might want to get them something that could potentially get them excited about daily dental hygiene. Here are a few ideas for you.
(more…)New Year, New Dental Appointment: Why Scheduling a Checkup Early Is a Great Idea
December 13, 2023

The New Year is a time for new beginnings and casting aside old bad habits. In keeping with this spirit, why not make it a resolution to break your habit of procrastinating about scheduling your dental appointments? The American Dental Association recommends seeing your dentist at least twice a year for routine exams and cleanings so you can keep your smile beautiful and prevent oral infections. Here are a few reasons why it’s a great idea to book a dental appointment during the first few months of the year.
(more…)It’s a Holiday Surprise! 3 Stocking Stuffers Guaranteed to Make Your Family Smile
November 17, 2023

While there may be plenty of presents wrapped and sitting around the Christmas tree this year, it’s often the stockings that family members go for first. When deciding what you will place inside these colorful, oversized socks, you may be looking to veer away from the endless candy supply that normally finds its way in. If you want to give your loved ones better oral health this year, consider these 3 stocking stuffer ideas that will give them a reason to smile.
(more…)3 Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before 2024
October 5, 2023

The end of the year is quickly approaching. If you’re not careful, you could end up letting these last few months go by and lose out on valuable dental insurance benefits that are rightfully yours. The money you spend each month toward your premium grants you access to these available savings, but if you’re still not convinced that you should call to schedule an appointment today, here are three reasons you should use your benefits before 2024.
(more…)What Causes Sore & Inflamed Gums?
September 21, 2023

Often enough, people equate their oral health with their teeth. It’s a fairly normal habit – many view a bright smile as proof of a healthy mouth. However, the truth is that gum tissue is also vital to oral well-being. Neglecting it can cause you to develop sore and inflamed gums. Fortunately, your Houston dentist knows a few ways to fix the latter. Read on to learn the causes of gum inflammation and a few great treatment methods.
(more…)5 Advantages of Choosing a Tooth-Colored Filling Over an Amalgam Filling
August 5, 2023

At one point in time, metal amalgam was the material of choice for dental fillings. However, nowadays you’ll find that many dentists favor tooth-colored fillings made out of composite resin instead. Why should you choose a tooth-colored filling over an amalgam one as a restorative option? To answer that, here are 5 distinct advantages that tooth-colored fillings have to offer.
(more…)Back-to-School Tips for Teens with Invisalign
July 11, 2023

As the new school year commences, the enthusiasm for fresh experiences encompasses different facets of your teenager’s life, encompassing their orthodontic voyage with Invisalign. Balancing the triumph of this treatment with the demands of school can present a gratifying challenge. Here are four valuable tips and suggestions to assist your adolescent in confidently maneuvering through the school year with Invisalign and optimizing their treatment journey.