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Helpful Hints: 4 Invisalign Do’s and Don’ts

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 5:38 pm
Set of Invisalign next to packaging and cleaning crystals

If you’re feeling self-conscious about having crooked teeth, you’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people every year seek ways to straighten their smiles. Although traditional braces are the tried-and-true approach, they can also detract from your appearance, which can lower your self-confidence even further.

Thankfully, Invisalign is an alternative orthodontic treatment that your dentist can use to shift your grin back into alignment without exacerbating your anxiety over your appearance. This method utilizes transparent plastic trays that are customized to fit snuggly over your teeth to gently reposition them over time. To ensure that you continue to make the most of them, it’s important to take good care of them. Continue reading to learn more about 4 helpful do’s and don’ts for Invisalign!

#1: DO Clean Them Consistently

Invisalign continues to gain popularity because it is not as visibly noticeable as bulky metal brackets. If they’re not regularly cleansed, though, germs from your mouth and leftover bits of food can create a layer of cloudy or yellow-tinted residue.

To prevent this buildup, remove them at least twice daily for a thorough but gentle scrubbing. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the plastic, and lightly scrub both the inside and outside surfaces with non-abrasive toothpaste. Be sure also to brush and floss your teeth so that your mouth is clean when you reinsert your trays. Not only will this keep your Invisalign sparkling, but it’ll decrease the likelihood of developing cavities, gum disease, or bad breath.

#2: DO Soak Them Daily

Even with regular brushing, bacteria can cling to the crevices of your Invisalign. If they’re not cleared away, they could cause oral issues like tooth decay or gingivitis. The best way to eradicate them is to soak them for about 15 minutes daily with a special solution or cleaning crystals. This can kill up to 99% of unwanted microbes that contribute to dental problems. Then, rinse them gently under running water before putting them back over your teeth.

#3: DON’T Eat or Drink with Them In

If you’re worried that you’ll lose your aligners or tend to forget that you’re wearing them, you could end up having a meal while they’re still in your mouth. This might be safe once in a while, but typically, you shouldn’t eat or drink with Invisalign. You could injure or stain the plastic materials, which could add weeks to your treatment timeline. Instead, take them out and store them safely in their case so that you don’t accidentally throw them away when you’re done.

#4: DON’T Leave Them Out

When you first start wearing a new set of aligners, you might experience some tenderness or sensitivity. It’s natural to want to take them out of your mouth for a few hours or overnight while you sleep to give your mouth a break. However, you must wear your trays for 22 hours every day to keep your teeth from reverting to their previous positions. Plus, leaving them in the open air dries them out, which can warp or crack the plastic so they no longer fit correctly.

Making these few slight adjustments can keep your Invisalign looking and feeling great throughout the course of your treatment!

About the Author

Dr. Darrick Castleberry offers a full array of top-quality dental services to people of all ages. He’s renowned as one of Texas’ leading cosmetic and restorative dentists, and his practice has been recognized by H-Texas Magazine as one of the top cosmetic dental offices in the nation. If you’re frustrated by crooked teeth, he’s an expert who can help. With state-of-the-art equipment in a comfortable and relaxing environment, he delivers elegant solutions to enhance your smile. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, you can contact the office on the website or call (281) 971-3440.

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